The Funeral Liturgy

Do you need to plan a funeral? Contact the Parish Office 610-326-5877 to make arrangements.

Death for the Christian is a time of fulfillment.  The victory of sin and destruction which was won for us by Christ becomes reality for a member of His body.  Born again of water and the Spirit, Christians share in this triumph by their share in the sacramental life of the community, the Church.

 The hope of resurrection which we celebrate at the death of our brothers and sisters is touched painfully with the sorrow of loss and separation from our loved one.  Just as the joy of Easter was preceded by the sorrow of Good Friday, so our lives are a mixture of joy and sorrow, promise and fulfillment.

 In the Funeral liturgy, we as Christians gather to celebrate the promises made to us in Baptism, and pray for our loved one for whom those promises are nearing fulfillment.

 It is appropriate that members of that family or friends of the deceased participate in the ministries of the liturgy in order to witness our faith in the midst of the assembly.

Our Funeral planning booklet has been included at the bottom of this page as a downloadable file for your convenience. 

When planning a funeral for a deceased loved one please contact your pre-determined funeral home of choice first to schedule.  Once dates and times have been arranged you may contact Mrs. Cathy Remick in the parish office or Cathy will reach out to you.

Pre-planning your own funeral Mass is an option.  For assistance please contact the Parish office to schedule an appointment.  We will provide you with a copy of your plan as well as keep one on file.