As it is the First Sunday of Lent we hear of Jesus’ temptation in the desert. Mark does not go into as much detail as does Matthew and Luke, but we know that Jesus faced the same kinds of temptation that the Israelites experienced as they wandered in the desert for forty years. And these temptations are also very similar to the temptations we face throughout our lives. Of course, we know He know that He won a dramatic victory over Satan and that His victory is meant to inspire our own victory over temptation during this season of Lent. However, I can’t help but thinking, does anyone ever fight temptation anymore?  I mean, really, does any one see any value in such an arcane struggle in the present day?  Perhaps I am seeing the glass as half empty, but I do think I have valid reasons to be concerned. We are so affected by modern culture that I even wonder if we recognize sin any more or the value of trying to stay away from it – and that is the very reason that Jesus died on the cross! Have we actually gotten to the point where we no longer really value trying to stay away from the very reality (sin) from which Jesus came to save us?  We are so very much affected by the world that I am truly very worried. The world teaches us that any action is perfectly acceptable as long as no one gets hurt. This is the old “victimless crime” theory. The problem with this is that there is no such thing. If we commit sin, no matter how “private,” someone always gets hurt. It is not okay to hurt ourselves or anyone else or to offend God and sin always involves all three. The world teaches us it is psychologically harmful to deny ourselves of anything that we want and really, if we want something, we need it; don’t we? Therefore, if I want something, I am harming myself if I don’t act to get it.  We are also taught human beings cannot overcome temptation so there is no reason to try to overcome it or teach our children to do so. Therefore parents should supply their teen children with means of birth control, and provide them with “safe havens” to abuse alcohol etc. because they would not be able to refrain from sex or beer etc.  This kind of thinking denies young people of the human dignity to which they, believe it or not, want to be held. Last, but certainly not least the world teaches us that since we are living in modern times we need a whole new set of moral guidelines. Because things have changed so much and because we are have learned so much and have become so “enlightened,” we simply can no longer be expected to abide by the antiquated values of the past. Therefore, no one can be expected to refrain from sex before marriage, and certainly we now realize that same sex marriage is to be regarded in the same way as traditional marriage and we certainly should not trap people into biological genders.  What is amazing about this one is that, while we think we are so enlightened, we are not quite enlightened enough to realize that countless cultures bought this lie before us. And guess where they are now?  Well they are exactly where we will be if we also buy it-on the ash heap of history just like the Romans at the hands of the barbarians. You see, the bottom line is this:  there is good, there is evil, there is right there is wrong, and they are here to stay. And human beings are always tempted to sin. But Jesus gives us the means to victory. His lesson is that we don’t have to be slaves to sin. All that we have to do is struggle to resist temptation, and when we fall we turn to Him and keep on striving-and the victory is ours. The only question is does any of this matter to us any more?



AuthorCathy Remick